ColourMirrors Dual olier 1-12 Dual olier 13-24 Dual olier 25-36 Gaia serie G1-G11 Gaia serie G12-G22 Spray essenser Uddannelse ColourMirrors 9

G12. I AM

JEG ER(lys gylden/lys gylden)

Dette er dit I AM. Når du vælger denne flaske er du klar til at frigøre alle trosmønstre som stadig  siger, ”jeg er ikke”. Når du vælger dette, er du helt parat til at sammensmelte med dit guddommelige selv og hævde dig selv som en del af det guddommelige. Skaberen og jeg er et. Det guddommelige er indeni og jeg er det. Vores bindinger er det der gør os små og giver os en følelse af adskillelse fra vort guddommelige selv. Denne flaske vil støtte os i at give slip på frygt og afhængighedens adskillelses indflydelse. Når vi kræver vores sande autentiske kraft tilbage, kan vi blive fri af afhængigheden og være frygtløst, kraftfuldt guddommelig.

G13. Nåde

Nåde(lys gylden/lys rosa)

Denne delikate farve kombination er der for atter at minde os om, at kun kærlighed eksisterer og at alt vi har erfaret var valgt af os selv, som et udtryk for guddommelig kærlighed. Her træder vi ind i nåden og vi tilgiver os selv. Vi var aldrig skyldige, vi var guddommelige udtryk, der oplevede. Og intet var nogensinde ikke del af planen. Disse farver indikerer en genfødsel, men denne gang uden dødens traume. Vi genfødes blidt til vores sande selv og husker, at det guddommelige er kærlighed og at det er vi også og den sande kraft, som skaber alting er kærlighed, kærlighed, kærlighed. Dette er Guddommelighedens feminine ansigt, det er smukt og det er du også. Imens du bruger denne flaske vil den hver dag minde dig om at bruge tid på at huske noget fabelagtigt om dig selv. Og hvis du skriver det ned, vil det hele bare blive så meget mere virkeligt. Brug også tid på at ære din kvindelige kreative intuitive vision.

G14. Ascension lyset

Ascension lyset(lys gylden/klar)

Lysets intensitet i denne flaske oplyser alting og med disse farver kan du også skinne dit lys lige så klart. Det er krystalklart og denne klarhed vil tiltrække alle de nye krystallinske væsener, som er inkarneret nu. De er her for at vise os hvordan ascension virker. Ascension sker når vi husker, at vi er en lyskrop, at vi er Skaberens lys i fysisk form og at den tyngde, vi oplever i vores realitet, er en illusion. Denne flaske vil skinne sit lys på alt som er illusorisk og når lyset har skinnet på illusionen, forsvinder den øjeblikkeligt. Det vi sidder igen med er sandhedens lys bagom illusionen. Med denne flaske begynder dine celler at tale lysets sprog. Ascension.

G15. Satori

Satori(perlemor gylden/magenta)

Denne flaske gør vores forbindelse med vort guddommelige selv en sand realitet. Det flyder nu ikke længere over os som en tanke eller et ønske. Det fastsætter sandheden i vore celler, at vi er guddommelige og at vi lever himlen på jorden i dette øjeblik. Dette er øjeblikket, hvor vi husker at vi aldrig forlod HOME og at himlen er hvor vi er og at, alt hvad vi ser, er Guddommeligt. Det var aldrig ikke det. Dette er Satori tilstand.

G16  Serenity (pale coral/platinum)


When Faith has been integrated it turns into surrender.   Faith is still a doing thing.  Surrender is the next step and G16 is knowing that we are unconditionally Divine.   When we totally surrender into that knowing we find serenity.  These colours create the perfect balance of male and female within and take us to a place of unconditional self-acceptance.  This is Language of the Divine which means we can no longer  speak negatively about ourselves. 

G17 Elohim (platinum/pale gold)

Impeccability is still about changing judgement, but Elohim is truth beyond any doubt that all is perfect.  It is 25 enlightened into the knowing that when judgement no longer exists, nothing negative needs to exist as no one needs to learn anything.

If we can be impeccable we can claim the perfection of everything and step fully into our connection with the Elohim and everything else.  The gold we are within is an absolute fact.  We are that.  We’ve got it in the depth of ourselves and we can now communicate it absolutely, and consciously speak the Divine language.  This is the place of Divine authority within our own reality creation.

G18 Limitless (pale turquoise/platinum)

Generosity turns into flow in G18 and in that flow we are so connected to the Divine plan that all we can be is generous because all limitation has been removed.   We are so completely in the flow that what we need will always be there and we will always be able to share that with others.  If we can tap into the generosity of the planet we know she holds the space for everything except negativity and fear.  Generosity activates abundance and abundance is limitless faith.  Now we can trust the process.  These are the colours of the Aquarian age.  We can now manifest our reality with ease and grace and elegance.  This is the global expression of generosity, beyond separation.  We are all limitless, all one. 

G19 Om (platinum/platinum)

I AM now becomes the knowing that what God said was "I am That. I am."  It is complete oneness with all that exists and it is platinum which is the higher vibration of the gold.  It is just the next level and we can try and make it grand and big but what it really is, is simply evolution. There is not really a choice anymore.  We have signed up for the ride and now we have to take it all the way.  I AM is the name of God and when we claim that we become the voice of God and then we speak it into being.  This is the clearing of fear-based human DNA and the activation of love-based divine DNA.  This will bring in our angelic DNA and our inter-galactic DNA which are all just aspects of the One.

G20 Abode of Bliss (platinum/pale green)

When we live in Grace we are in the abode of bliss. And when we live in bliss we are automatically in Grace.   This delicate green has taken 32 and 35 and enlightened them to the highest degree they can go and when the persecution and sibling rivalry is taken away it becomes an awakening that is completely the newest spring rebirth we can possibly imagine.  This is the enlightened heart of humanity and of the planet.  Each heart connected to each other heart.   If we claim our multi-dimensionality and we keep our feet on the earth, we change the earth.  We also access all her multi-dimensional qualities and we activate her Divine DNA and her crystalline structure.  We can all now take part in this journey.  This is the time:  the awakening of the new earth.

G21 The Beloved (platinum/magenta)

The Language of Light becomes the Language of the Divine. Here we speak with one voice as everything rests on Divine love. The platinum sits on magenta and the language now is the Divine sound of love; held in Divine love, resting on Divine Love.  All we’ve been looking for is already here and has always been here and waiting for us to recognise it.  The Earth is just another expression of Divine Love.  We already knew that magenta released guilt.  Now we cannot remember what the concept of guilt could possibly mean.

G22 Sacred Mystery (platinum/olive)

We revisit the number 22 and for the first time it is not magenta, as the Divine Female awakens and now we do not have a number that expresses mastery but rather the ultimate expression of Mystery - beyond mastery into the expression of the female face of the Divine. This is the female face of mastery, giving birth to a new planet.   Pale olive married to pale blue:  female power married to Divine male in its most enlightened form.   God, goddess, all that is.